Although it's fun to play Qwizdom games with you class, to get the most out of it you need to create a participate list. This requires every user to log in with a unique ID number, and means that instead of looking at the results for "Participant #5" you are looking at the results for "Joe Bloggs".
You school may have unique ID numbers for each student which could be used. Our school subscribes to so each student already has a 3/4 digit login number, so I make sure it is the same number. It is possible to import a current list from excel, but I'm going to show you how to create a simple participant list from scratch.
In Action Point (or Answer Key) click on the icon of the two people:
This brings up the Participant Wizard.
Press the Create New Participant List button, and fill in the name of your class then click Next.
You'll be taken to this window:
Select Educational, then click Next.
You're now at a window where you get to chose which information will be stored for each participant.
You only really need First Name, Last Name and ParticipantID (this is their login number). To remove/add a field, click on it and move it across using the arrows. The list on the right are the fields that we will be using. At a later date I will show you what can be done with the other fields. Click Next.
On this page you can fill in all the details for your students.
The Remote # is allocated automatically, you obviously need to put in the names for each of your students, but also the ParticipantID, the is the number that they will use to login. When you're done click Finish and it'll ask you where you want your Participant List saved. They save as a .QPL file.
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